Two years attending and learning Haidong Gumdo. Working towards Second Dan belt. Making new friends and comrades along the way. First time since retiring from the US Navy Divers that I feel apart of something special and unique! We each have our own reason for learning the Art of the Sword. In fact I really enjoy listening to my comrades explaining why they do it. I joined to experience something I have always wondered, what would it be like to handle a real sword. Now I am living that. The extras such as learning from/with younger and older students, developing friendships, attending intense seminars and going to challenging yet fun tournaments has been the real connection I have made! You ask what I think of Haidong Gumdo? I wish there was one word to describe it but there is not. (Challenging to mind and body, growing in respect for others and yourself, honor within helping others, pride in the others accomplishments and for me bottom line FUN!!!)
Author: Master Robert Frankovich
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