If you don’t believe that the way your present everything is important, then think about this…

This comes from part of the lecture that Senior Chief Master Marshall Parnell gave during the Fall 2022 Midwest Haidong Gumdo testing & training. The full post is an expansion upon the concept and not completely from Kwanjangnim Parnell. Some food for thought.

When you think of a cup of coffee, you probably see it in a white ceramic mug on a white saucer. A nice dark, hot beverage to get you going in the morning.
When you think of champagne, it is in a tall clear glass flute with bubbles rising. This wonderful beverage included in celebrations.

Now, think of them switched. Put the champagne in the white mug and the coffee in the tall glass flute. Now what do you have? There appears to be a mug of pee and a glass of poop. The image to right is truly champagne in a coffee mug and coffee in a flute. The picture comes after one of the junior students, who was quick enough (and enough of a wise a$$) had them sent to Kwanjangnim Parnell during our after seminar dinner.

This takes me to a recent event where I had seen a young man come for a job interview. I saw him with a nice smile and pleasant greeting. When he left, though, I noticed that he was wearing grey sweatpants and crocs with his polo. Yes, I’m old but his appearance seemed wrong. And now I’ve just spent 20 minutes looking at the variety of memes for “dress for the job you want”. No good choices to go here!

Now, I can understand that the young man may not have had many interviews (you don’t know what you don’t know). I’m just stuck on the idea that our society deems sweatpants (and, even, leggings) acceptable for business. Again, I’ll admit to being old. In fact, when I attended church service, anything less than dress pants was inappropriate. Our society has changed a lot.


Author: Master Robert Frankovich

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