Understanding that not every person or body is the same and helping to work through that. The love and passion you and your students have. The geekiness we can all be. You allow your students to be their own person.
Developing Courage and Community through Martial Arts
So, there is a lot of talking that happens during a martial arts class. Presenting new material and knowledge plus re-enforcing concepts and principles with a little fun mixed in. Mostly, these are necessary for the transmission of expectations. Good positive interactions. We won’t even mention how much talking happens during socializing events! Here’s where […]
Click to get her page!
Now that I’m in my 41st year of martial arts training, there have been many burst illusions along the way. Among these have been ranks and titles. Starting out back in 1981, I had learned that the highest rank possible was 10th Dan. It meant that this person was the head of the system (i.e. […]
Recently during an NFL game, the announcers commented on how the new head coach was trying to do some team building during this strange time. Since there was no training camp nor preseason games, there had been very little time to help coaches and players join together in the plan for the team. The coach […]
Classes resume tomorrow! Well, officially, training will resume with guidelines necessary until January 4, 2021. See you tomorrow! If you will be taking a break until after the Holidays, then “happy and joyful times to you!” See you soon.
As of midnight tonight WTMA will close for four weeks per the latest mandate from the Minnesota Governor. This means that there will be new challenges and materials created for at home training. Check out the WTMA training group for details. Message Master F. if you’re not in the group. Sorry, active direct students only.
Watching posts from Facebook and Instagram shows that there are a lot of organizations that promote the idea of a martial arts fellowship. The thought here seems to be that there are many independent instructors and schools who would benefit from being part of a group. Whether this is for curriculum acknowledgement or rank promotion […]
Martial arts training provides an opportunity to practice strategies to prevent three common demons that appear in many areas of life. Boredom = I’ve done this a million times, so why am I doing it again? Frustration = I can’t do this! Why is this so hard? Complacency = I know this […]
Since there has been many changes over the past many months, I was reminded that student information and waivers should be updated. Please follow this link to update your information and verify the waiver. https://www.white-tiger-martialarts.com/front-page/student-login-here/ Thanks!
Published in the July 2020 edition of Totally Taekwondo! Read the article here. Read the draft here.
Time again to get some new WTMA stuff! T-shirts, Hoodies (Pullover, Hockey, Zip) and Sweatpants are available to order until September 13th! All orders are pre-paid. You can place your orders from the school store. The available designs for this order are below. Left Front Gumdo Gumdo w/WTMA Left Front Taekwondo Taekwondo w/WTMA […]
I saw this one a T-shirt the other day. It was done for a high school cross country team (I left the school name out of this). It struck as a very cool perspective. Cross country runners are out there training, improving their technique, and running faster because they want to. I’d wager that there […]
One of the hardest things to understand is that you need to “put in the work” to become successful. This is different from “paying your dues”. Putting in the work is the educational side of the equation. While paying your dues is getting out there and working (getting experience from those who came before). Putting […]
WTMA Haidong Gumdo Black Belt Class resumes on Saturday 16/20 at 10:00am. This class is for all Dan ranked students and any Masters wishing some additional training. Class will be weekly on Saturdays from 10:00 – 12:00.
Starting Wednesday (6/10), classes will return to the WTMA dojang! The class Wednesday will be the final 90 minute Gumdo class before the regular schedule resumes on Monday (6/15). The class will be 6:00-7:30 and back to full uniform. The class Thursday will be the final 90 minute class for Taekwondo. Again, regular schedule returns […]
Master Josh Waltzing is doing an awesome job in presenting the plight of Taekwondo schools to the Minnesota government. He has gotten support and clarifications from government officials about opening Taekwondo schools again. This has been mainly playing on the youth athletics aspect as they can come back sooner than adults. Those of you who are NOT […]
We were very fortunate to have a photographer friend stop by during our first outdoor class. Follow the link here to see the online edition. It has many more pictures.
Most of you now the work that I’ve been doing since learning about my Song Moo Kwan heritage. It has been a struggle. As there are always many different paths that students take, information can be lost…lack of interest at the time or forgotten time. **Ha, here’s a spot for something ages old…the Master has […]