Understanding that not every person or body is the same and helping to work through that. The love and passion you and your students have. The geekiness we can all be. You allow your students to be their own person.
Developing Courage and Community through Martial Arts
Back in the day, while playing high school sports, the coach often stated “You will play the way your practice!” Now, all these years later, is another illustration of that concept. Yes, I know that it isn’t anything new but the timing in finding it is good. I have watched students come to class and […]
Now, I can understand how this can happen sometimes. They don’t know that they don’t know. It took nearly 15 years for me to find out about the Kukkiwon. I had known my organization wasn’t the only “way” as it very sport heavy and hosted awesome tournaments that drew 500+ competitors. I still baffles me […]
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” This is said to be from the George Bernard Shaw play “Man and Superman” and based on the proverb – Those who are especially skilled in a certain field or area will be able to pursue a career, while those who are less skilled will end up […]
The next martial arts adventure happens July 14-17 in San Antonio! Grandmaster Frankovich will be attending the International Martial Arts Council (of America) National Training Camp and Hall of Fame Ceremony. At the event, he will be teaching a training session on Thursday 7/14 at 1330hrs. While it is listed as Taekwondo, it will cover […]
Starting back in 2005, I have been learning and teaching the Korean sword. This has been an incredible opportunity for me to continue to develop as a martial artist and a teacher. Something that sets my teaching apart from others is the dedication to the lifelong students. It has been a great pleasure to have […]
The online on-demand clothing store is open! This is the simplest method to get WTMA clothing! https://www.white-tiger-martialarts.com/front-page/store/ *note: the current Dashi Hanbon 2022 design is intended for light colors! Dark color version will be added for 2023.
I’ve seen each several times and have always thought that they were very good points made about martial arts training, but…there is a really LONG distance between these statements! The distance between these is based upon how the technique is done each time. Now, I’ve seen it more often with forms practice. Students will do […]
(From original post – November 2013)*** Sitting here watching “Miracle” for the first time. I know that its one that should have been seen before but I tend to shy away from movies about actual events. Anyway… During the exhibition game of Team USA vs Norway, Brooks hears the players talking about the women in […]
For a very long time I have been pursuing the goal of gaining academic recognition for the martial arts. This goal is to put martial arts above the typical role as a one credit P.E. activity course within the university setting. This was the case as I taught at Hamline University for 15 years. Many […]
If you are a student of a Midwest Haidong Gumdo school and have earned a Dan rank, please complete this form ASAP! Thank you! Loading…
A memory posted by a student today! He turned 70 a couple weeks ago and will be testing for 3rd Dan Instructor in Haidong Gumdo in 10 days. #wtmahaidonggumdo #haidonggumdo #stilltraining #minnesotaswords #wtmashiro
Much has been said about the benefits of martial arts for building focus, discipline, confidence, and esteem. These are true but not often illustrated when as a student is promoted. These are artifacts of the holistic personal development taught through the martial arts. The remainder of this article will present and illustrate the personal development […]
Find your tribe is important. This is something that White Tiger Martial Arts works toward. Training hard and enjoying life together! The group here is the same group in the video below. It was during our participation in the MarsCON 2017. Star Wars meets Pokemon Go! on the Main stage during Masquerade.
Recently, I asked a handful of students and those close to the school what their thoughts were for why they stay with WTMA or have developed the connection to us. Below are excerpts from some of the replies. If you have additional thoughts, please comment or send them to me. “The love and passion you […]
An illustration of good sportsmanship came across Facebook the other day. It talked about the way to handle losing in an athletic event. Too often the focus of our society is winning [in sports] and then trying to carry the attitude into everything else. Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. This constant desire to win […]
This statement is very true! This happens all over the place in physical and intellectual ways. The problem is that too many people are comfortable just coasting along. It takes less work to complete tasks and projects when you’re naturally adept at those skills. It can also be a lullaby convincing you that it is […]
I have been searching for an academic connection for the martial arts for most of my years training. I have had opportunities to teach accredited physical education courses in Aikido (UM-Duluth & UW-Superior) and Taekwondo (UW-Superior & Hamline University). The problem that I came across was the limited view of what the course was supposed […]
I don’t usually use a meme to make a point but… This one fits for martial arts very well. I’ve been teaching for over 35 years now and have seen a wide variety of students come through the door. Not only the typical 8 year old to 70+ year old but the reasons for why […]