Practice, practice, practice…in other words, MUDO!

Practice! Continuous practice and refinement of the basics MUST be the focus for all training. Once a student gets bored with the basics, they lose focus on performing correct technique. A student who only goes through the motions during basics does not build strength & fitness nor will they become proficient in the techniques of […]

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There is no secret ingredient…just TRAIN!

I got the chance to watch Kung Fu Panda, again, and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice last night. Its a nice little piece of brain candy to relax and just enjoy. However, it did get me thinking. (Kung Fu Panda) At the end, it was discovered that the secret Dragon scroll had no writing and there was no […]

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Work Your Butt Off!

“Why are you in class?” “I don’t know.” “Then work your butt off so when I ask if you have questions, you can answer “No.” and I will leave you alone to get the work done.” Or “Why are you in class?” “To learn everything I can.” “Then work your butt off and when I check on you, […]

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Accepting Challenges

After reading an article on LinkedIn, I started thinking about the concept of being professional. I have had several teachers come into my world who have such great knowledge and a strong passion. They taught me a lot and fed my passion. This step to become truly professional, though, has been tough. The business aspects of […]

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Leaders Eat Last

Simon Sinek discusses several key points in this presentation. Please take some time for a little homework. I think it is worth the time you’ll invest.

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MarsCON 2015 Masquerade

Here is a performance from some students. They had fun and looked good. The MarsCON 2015 Masquerade exhibition.

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What’s your uniform worth?

Way back when I stared teaching…26 years ago…I decided that I didn’t like screen printed doboks (Korean for training uniform). The logos would fade and, while it was kind of cool to think of it as a representation of your hard work, I wanted my logo to be more important. Something that wouldn’t fade or […]

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…but it is our life!

Last week I commented on there not being an “Off” season when it come to martial arts training. This needs to be considered in regards to being continually vigilant and prepared to protect yourself  and others. This can seem like a tough duty…and it is. Those who truly are preparing themselves for this role don’t […]

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There is NO off-season!

Unlike sports, true martial artists don’t have an off-season. This can cause many frustrations. Training for life isn’t a game. It takes more dedication and commitment. The effort needed to ensure that safety of your life and your family is a 24/7/365 thing. Now, I’m not trying to make anyone anxious or paranoid. This is […]

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Leader Development

The following is from LEADER DEVELOPMENT course from the Maneuver Self Study Program by the U.S. Army – Why is the study of leader development important? Do not assume that you already “know” what leader development is. To paraphrase numerous articles and books on developmental systems, three things must be present for a developmental system […]

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“footsteps of the men of old”

“I seek not only to follow in the footsteps of the men of old, I seek the things they sought.” – Matsuo Basho Well, I guess that this phrase is partly true, though. I want to follow in the footsteps of these original leaders but I will try to vary from them upon seeing a […]

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What is “class” all about?

“I am fortunate to take one philosophy student a year and have them assist in an intro class after they have gone through our curriculum. Eye opening, always. The class is not a thing you do, it’s an environment of possibilities.” – Timothy Stock, Philosophy Professor. What struck me most was the last sentence. He […]

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Musashi Miyamoto’s Four Oaths

“When you embark on something,” Musashi wrote, “before you start, fix your intention on the Four Oaths and put selfishness behind you. Then you cannot fail.” The Four Oaths: Never be late with respect to the Way of the warrior. It has been quoted that the martial arts begin and end with respect. The warrior […]

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Mastery = Success?

“Success is not a destination. Success is faithfulness to the process.” – Visioneering by Andy Stanley Success is faithfulness to the process Training is the process Success equals training I’ve heard, over my 35 years of training in the martial arts (even across the different arts that I’m dedicated to), that the student needs to […]

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“…of no use.”

“Planning has power. Executing plans has even more power, of course, but the plan comes first. Most people dither through their lives, waiting for opportunity, dodging problems, taking what comes. This is inherently passive. This is not a winning strategy. Do you like passive people? Admire them? Quit being one. So make a plan. What […]

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Musashi Miyamoto’s Nine Precepts

You are your own warrior following your own path. Let Musashi’s Nine Precepts be your map. Here they are: (the additional comments are purely my opinion only) 1. Do no think dishonestly Think honestly and truthfully. Do not harbor sinister designs. I have begun to think that taking shortcuts can fall into this topic. So […]

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Makes them a better fighter

I’ve become fond of the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” (2005). It has several pieces that make for deeper thought. Here’s one of them. Balian of Ibelin: Is he? You were born a servant? [the boy nods] Kneel. Every man at arms, or capable of bearing them…Kneel! On your knees! [the crowd of soldiers kneels]Be without fear in the […]

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Good is the enemy of Excellence…so is Perfection

Have you ever told yourself or another something like “That was good enough.” How about all of the kids sports that don’t have winners any more? Maybe all of the activities and events where everyone gets an award? Have you ever thought that we were letting them off the hook for not becoming excellent? We […]

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Remembering and growing

The past couple weeks have been a very hectic, tiring and productive time. It started with our WTMA Haidong Gumdo Fall seminar and Dan testing. We had the chance to train again with the USA Haidong Gumdo Senior Chief Master Marshall Parnell. The weekend started with Dan testing for 12 students. There were eight who […]

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