All About Problem Solving!

This post is prompted from having been kept up late the other night as the elder youngling was struggling with sinus issues brought out from allergies. After finally taking some allergy medication, he stopped hacking stuff up and slept. This got my brain going, though. As Randy King of KPCombat, a reality based self defense […]

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Drills Are Good!

I was having a discussion with a 2nd Dan teacher about using some different drills and how to set them up. She voiced her opinion about liking a certain “type” of drill because it made more sense to her. The example used was a warm-up drill that we call “Kick/Switch” because she had a partner […]

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Your Personal Brand: Lead or Follow?

As I scour the networking sites for more knowledge and information, I came across this LinkedIn post, Personal Branding And Identity: Experts Read Between The Lines, by Stephan Trano. In the post he discusses how presenting yourself in social networking can affect the way you are perceived and what capabilities you have. The vast majority of how […]

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Is Leadership Beyond You?

“If serving is below you, then leadership is beyond you.” – Unknown which leads to…   The problem is that people tend to see “serving” only in terms of commercial roles such as sales, food service and customer service. They also view public service as unworthy and not profitable. Personally, all of the public service […]

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Capabilities and Knowledge

Recently, there has been a couple rants posted in my circles about belts and certificates. Here is my rambling on the topic. Capabilities and knowledge are by far the most important representation of what a person is like. The belt can be purchased. In fact, In fact I have wholesale accounts with three different vendors […]

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A question about Taekwondo stances.

The Taekwondo that I have learned doesn’t use this version of the “Fighting” stance. I am interested in hearing the principles and concepts behind why this version is used. I’ve heard that it provides a “smaller target” but is there more? Thanks in advance for helping me learn about it.

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To Black Belt …and Beyond!

You will find it in the advertising for almost every martial arts school around. The pitch to make you a “Black Belt” has been sold for decades. Several schools use it as their main marketing catchphrase or something that infers a Black belt. Is it a wonder that the public thinks a Black Belt is […]

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This is probably one of the best saying that I’ve seen for how the martial arts should be taught. Well, all education for that matter but that is for another post. There is a lot of discussion about how to teach according to the best learning style for the student. Which may or may not […]

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Walking the Path

The path that Supreme Grand Master Ro, Byung Jick traveled to learn and train. His path was named Song Moo Kwan. Not many had gone before him. It is also the path that Sensei Ueshiba took.The path continued and grew as Grand Master Hyon, Jun Sun traveled along with Supreme Grand Master Ro. Nearby Sensei […]

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“Tradition is tending the flame, it’s not worshiping the ashes” – Gustav Mahler, a 19th century conductor and composer. I came across this quote when reading another blog that talked about people missing the point of keeping traditions. His take on it was quite accurate. You shouldn’t keep things just to say they are tradition. […]

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Life IS martial arts!

Well, that is to say that the martial arts principles and strategies can be applied to everything in daily life as a way to solve problems easier and create greater success. Most people do many of these things already but haven’t recognized it. Through martial arts training or (non-physical) coaching these principles an be explained […]

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Re-connecting to Song Moo Kwan!

Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo is one of the most prominent and influential original schools that developed in Korea. The founder, Supreme Grand Master Byung Jick Ro, has built a strong reputation for himself and Song Moo Kwan through his dedication to training and the roles in developing Taekwondo. This is evident in his Supreme Grand […]

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4 Things to Help Your Martial Arts Training

(feature post by U.S.A. HDGD Assoc. Master and WTSDA Black Belt Justin Koivisto) There are many things that attract people to martial arts training. Each potential student has their own reason for being interested. There are a number of important points about training from why do it to how to do it. Since martial arts […]

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Honors and Their Meanings
Traditional Song Moo Kwan Logo

Twice this year I have had the fortune of receiving awards. It is the second that is most humbling as it comes from a completely unexpected source. I have been training in Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo for 35 years now. The first 10 years with the Karate North organization lead by Master Tom Sullivan. This […]

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What Happens Next?

The current social perspective about competition and rewards has lead to having an undue amount of each, in my opinion. I first noticed this as a colored belt in Taekwondo participating in tournaments. This weekend was this “Championship”, the next would be that “Championship”, then some other “Championship”. This was confusing after growing up watching […]

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The Line of My People

“…there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning.” Recently my martial arts training has taken a major upturn. After many years of training and researching my Song Moo Kwan Taekwondo heritage, I have received a chance to take some really big forward steps. Additionally, I’ve had another chance to train […]

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It is NOT what you THINK you see!

Often, when watching highly skilled athletes, we see amazing skills. Usually, though, what we think we saw is not what happened. Seidokan Aikido founder, Shihan Roderick Kobayashi, regularly stated that “advanced techniques are basic techniques made simpler.” The problem is that beginning and intermediate students intellectually understand the thought but don’t connect the concept when they […]

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OODA Loop For Daily Life

The OODA loop was Air Force Colonel John Boyd’s creation. It started as a way to help train fighter pilots and has been adapted to other military and law enforcement applications. I learned about it through working with material created by Kasey Keckeisen and Rory Miller. It has greatly enhanced my understanding of the material […]

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Stop Playing Games!

Excerpts from the article linked here – Budo Is Not Competition. “One lesson of competition is to keep score. The lesson of budo practice is that there is no score. We all improve together.” “Dr. Ann Maria DeMars is a former world champion judoka. Let that sink in. World champion. At some point, she was […]

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What do you know?

So, you’ve been training in the martial arts for a while now. You have know stances, blocks, kicks and patterns. You have worked on personal protection techniques and sparred. You KNOW what you’re doing. Are you sure? My father used to tell me “It’s good that you know all the answers, too bad you don’t […]

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